I tried to hide,
To fake a smile..
But my eyes told me
That I lost something.
I tried to forget,
All my regrets..
But my tears told me
That I lost something.
I tried not to bother,
Said, it doesn’t matter..
But my heart told me
That I lost something.
I tried to be busy,
But it was not easy..
As my mind kept reminding me..
That I lost something.
Well this is not something I wrote. I found this on the web. Its written by someone named Dia. I sure think she must be a very wonderful person and hope she is over the sorrow that her verses reflect.
The context may not be same but the words did to some extent represent my feelings on the day of my send off. Over the last few days, memories of the last 5 years have come back repeatedly. Every moment that I remembered left a smile on my face.
As I walked down the path towards the canteen that day, I felt a strange lump of emotion creep up my throat. In the past 5 years, so many people have come and gone; so many send-offs I have seen. I had always been a part of the group that waited on the inside of the glass doors. But this was different. The group on the inside was waiting for me. I was the bride walking down the aisle so to say metaphorically. A sudden sense of sadness engulfed my mind. I could just feel the clock ticking away much faster. My time in DALC was fast coming to an end. It was such an overwhelming feeling, my trying to balance all the memorable moments of the last five years and the realization that all this was coming to an end. I guess this place and the people I worked with have become so much a part of my life over these years, it will be very difficult for me to disentangle myself from the attachment.
Since the day I joined here as a fresh college graduate, I feel I have come a long way professionally as well as personally. I have always believed that the people you meet have a role to play in shaping you up. At this moment I am very happy and proud to be me. So I would like to thank you all for that.
I am very grateful to my ‘team’. SN, PT, MD you have taught me a lot. Whatever I have learnt here, most of it I have learnt from you. Thank you for teaching me the meaning of the word ‘team’, thank you for always being around whenever I needed you. I will always remember all the fun as well as tough moments that we have gone through together. I am very thankful to AS Sir, my first boss, for making my transition from a rookie to a professional a very smooth and memorable one. I feel very fortunate that I got him as my first boss.
I owe a lot to KS Sir, for the constant encouragement he has provided me. He is such an enthusiastic person, so full of energy; I have always found him as a person who can invoke the good spirits in everyone with his incessant humor. Thank you sir, for all the support and your faith in me.
When we had first joined the Quality team, there were only 3 people who were there before us. We grew, looking unto them. I always visualized them as the 3 pillars over which the team was built. BS Sir, AS Sir and SN Sir. BS Sir was a great person and a fantastic leader who always led his team from the front. SN Sir, it has been a great learning experience, seeing you at work and working alongside you.
I was fortunate to join this organization as a part of a big team of YQPs. Since day one we have learnt and worked together. This has forged a very strong bond among us. DsC, RR, DtC, RjP, GC anna, it is very hard for me to come to terms with the fact that I wont have you all by my side at work. DsC, RR, DtC, thank you very much for patiently listening to my ‘Banyan tree’ stories. It will be nigh impossible for me to find such good listeners for my stories. Also the fun moments that we have shared will always be very memorable. Rest assured they too will find their way into the Banyan archives. I am very lucky to have had friends like you.
JBS mam, I have rarely seen a person with such composure and patience as you. You have always been like an elder sister. Thank you too for listening to my incessant ramblings so patiently.
PS mam and NS sir, I feel you make a fantastic pair. NS sir, I will miss our afternoon tea and vada pao sessions. PS mam, thank you for tolerating my pranks and jokes so sportingly. I will miss cracking 12 o clock jokes with you.
RjP, buddy we had great fun together, formulating all the ‘Curry patta’ jokes and stories. Do call me up if there are new stories in the series. I will miss having fun with you. GC, brother please forgive me for offending you multiple times with my stray humor. I thank you for the patience and grace that you manifested when I pestered you. But that does not mean I am not going to make the 5th sequel in the Ch-ku series. RjP, bro please keep a look out for good scripts.
RtP sir, it has been a good experience working with you. I have always found your humor highly refreshing. I will miss all the funny anecdotes we shared over work.
VR, you are the bubbliest of the lot. Remain that way. I wish your cool cars always run smooth and unhindered between Mumbai and Nagothane. And for your sake , always, ‘Satya mewa jayate’.
VR, you are the bubbliest of the lot. Remain that way. I wish your cool cars always run smooth and unhindered between Mumbai and Nagothane. And for your sake , always, ‘Satya mewa jayate’.
RhP, RG, my association with you has been a brief one. Nevertheless we have spent some quality time together that I will fondly remember. RG I hope we will continue the 6 km walk partnership. Also I would like to declare you as the fittest person of the department (now that I am out of the reckoning). I would like you to take over the responsibility of giving fitness bytes to GC anna, RhP, JM and AA (if he happens to visit the lab). JM, my friend now that the house keepers have already made fun of your paunch, please don’t wait for the canteen staff to denigrate you further before deciding to shed it off.
SM, Wait for me. I’ll come up with a 6-P one day and call you up. Till then we will definitely meet on the Mu-Pu highway. PrnR, bro wish you all the best and a very happy new year.
As for all the new people, I wish you all the best in all your endeavors.
I guess I will sign off here, with best wishes for a very happy, prosperous and fruitful new year for all of you.