Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Sounds of Contentment

When the cock crows I wake
In the pond quacks a drake
Our pet dog barks
At a pair of warbling larks
Good morning says the scent
Of a fresh baked cake.

As the clock ticks to eight
‘‘I’m open,’’ creaks the gate
Baaing goats lead the way
Mooing cattle leave their bay
They tinkle to the meadow
With a spring in their gait.

Neighs the horse in the stable
Cooing pigeons on the gable
Pigs grunting in the filth
Bullocks panting out the tilth
The purring cat laps up milk
By my side at the table.

Chirping birds on the tree
Nectar scouting buzzing bee
Love to hear rustling leaves
Geckos clicking on the eaves
O the sounds of the country
Fills my heart with glee.

A rabbit scurried with a squeak
Saw it by the babbling creek
Where humming birds hover
And squirrels run for cover
Heard the sound of pecking
From a woodpecker’s beak

Autumn leaves crackle crisper
Love the winds that whisper
Conches blowing at dusk
Sipping tea, crunchy rusk
Ends a lovely day of music
As I watch Big Dipper.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Just Like Life

Bombing drumsticks embarrassing
Stupid number animal said
Mama sees her droplet drumming
For the sake of greedy maid

Forsake dream desperate measures
Drooling seeping dogs fantastic
Horses bound to sneezing fissures
Dropping down of birds autistic

Humming song of calf simmering
Sifting soot the lion groans
Frogs are mooing giraffes brimming
Zebras flying bouncing drones

Tipping ice cream baby screaming
Bouncy hippos kangaroos skip
Glass of water jaunty beaming
Dance of swans while magpies dip

David and Goliath lighting farts
Naughty father hippo crocs
Jumping Jack in dancing tarts
Books read sipping on the rocks

Wonder smiling duckling small
Plate of rice with mashed up yam
Prince and princess in the hall
Smashing cell phone with a ham

Grandma going chair pointing
Babbling toddler calling out
Showing words still but trying
Letters reading stanzas shout

Cryptic writing sure first run
Try not some to make much sense
Drop your hair and have some fun
Let the drabness leap the fence.